My writings about the Constancy of Change in Life and beyond. From my view spot above the city in southern Costa Rica, I write.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Eagle Insight

Wheeling high above the silent, mostly pink dotted and slowly moving human mass, the eagles watched.  From where they viewed, the sight was anything but normal. No noisy vehicles or trucks or horns this gray January morning in the streets of Seattle. Just a congested collection of humans slowly moving along the three+ mile path through the city from Judkins park to Seattle Center. Many of the marchers wore pink "pussy hats".

Several people looked up into the gray blue sky and actually saw the two bald eagles in their slow circular dance. One of them was Christina, who posted her video recording on Facebook. Another was my son, Tim who also noted it on his Facebook page. Others tweeted or photographed or simply observed the curious appearance of the nation’s symbolic emblem high above the group of mostly women marchers. 

It was the morning after the new president’s inauguration. January 21, 2017. And it was the largest protest march in U.S. history – with estimates of over 4 million people marching in 600 places throughout the country and more in sister cities throughout the world. Primarily identified as a womens’ march, there were some men who were marching too – as advocates, feminists and fathers. Many of the women had children with them as did my own daughter in law, Alethea with my Grandson, Jack, just 3 years old. 

All were united in protest and solidarity against the election of the 45th President of the United States. 

The marchers carried signs with written messages that included:
  • There Is So Much Wrong It Cannot Fit on This Sign
  • I Can’t Believe I’m Still Protesting This Shit  (an older woman carried this one)
  • Sorry World, We’ll Fix This
  • 1968 is Calling. Don’t Answer
  • Sad!

United in an emphatic demonstration of solidarity, the marchers and those who cheered them were strongly protesting about the election and the frightening shift in focus from the oft-stated American ideals of liberty, equality, democracy, individuality and diversity. 

How appropriate that two of the national symbols, representing these ideals flew silently above. And it was unusual. Normal sightings are of eagles flying alone, searching for prey. These two were likely a mated pair and their presence suggested that they were curious. Watching.
The Bald Eagle is a large bird of prey native to North America. They are sea eagles (located close to rivers and oceans) with fish as their most common and main food source though they eat other small animals. With a wingspan of up to seven feet, they are easily spotted flying against a bright sky.

In addition to being the national emblem and mascot for the U.S. since 1782, the Bald Eagle has also been a spiritual symbol for the Native people for longer than that.  It is said that because the eagle flies higher than any other bird, it conveys the powers and the messages of spirit to mankind.  Some say that if the eagle appears, it bestows freedom and courage to look ahead.  And with eyesight that is up to eight times more powerful than human, it is understandable.  

From Trish Phillips, Fly Like the Eagle 
When an eagle appears, you are on notice to be courageous and stretch your limits. Do not accept the status quo, but rather reach higher and become more than you believe you are capable of. Look at things from a new, higher perspective. Be patient with the present; know that the future holds possibilities that you may not yet be able to see. You are about to take flight.
The lesson in the sighting is clear. We must have the courage to see exactly where we are now. We must pay attention and improve our own abilities to see clearly what is happening. We must notice when we are told things that are untrue or shown actions that make no sense. Together, in solidarity we can then soar into unknown realms expanding our views and opening our hearts and minds to new possibilities. 

We march in solidarity inspired by the eagles' insight.


  1. Thank you Jan and thank you Trish Phillips.

    1. You are very welcome - and I appreciate your response.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Tim - and you know that I so value your insights. I also love that you and Shelby were part of Seattle's march and actually mentioned that you saw the eagles above. That was the beginning of this blog. Thank you!
